Charleston International Baroque Music Competition

This past March, I had the pleasure of competing in the 2021 Charleston International Baroque Music Competition and won 2nd place in my category!

This competition wasn’t one that I was familiar with prior to this year, so I was really glad that I stumbled upon it. One of my professors sent an email out to all of the music majors encouraging us to apply, and I did just that! I decided to sing the aria V’adoro pupille from Handel’s Giulio Cesare. Within just a few days, I was notified that I passed the Pre-Screening round and that I would be moving onto the Finals!

At last, the long-awaited results came in and I learned that I won 2nd in my category!

My experience with the Charleston International Music Competition has been fantastic, and I look forward to competing in their competitions again. Unlike a lot of other competitions, Charleston Arts has new competitions going on every month with different categories, i.e. Baroque Music Competition, European Music Competition and Spring Music Competition (for music written by composers who were born in March, April and May). They also have categories for all age groups, starting at just 8 years old!

For more information on the Charleston International Music Competition, click Here


2021 Schmidt Vocal Arts Alumni Grant